This shift adds in an actual survival element, as currently there's not really much of a point to defending your settlements from the evils found out in the wasteland. The old version of Vanilla Fallout 4 has Dogmeat doing 1–2 dps when he pounces at the nuisances that aim to corrupt the wasteland.

Unfortunately, the PS4 has some pretty tight restrictions when it comes to modding. This means it’s hard to find a lot of great mods that we usually see on Xbox and PC. And don’t forget to keep your mods updated.

Whispering Hills – a Silent Hill overhaul for Fallout 4. The Far Harbor DLC added in some great green fog effects for a creepy vibe, but as is usually the case with Bethesda games, some intrepid modders had already beaten the developer to the punch! What did you think of these picks, and what mods did we miss out on that should have made the list? Celebrating the GTX 1080 graphics card, this mod doesn't come courtesy of some random fan, but instead is offered up straight from NVIDIA! While Fallout has utilized horror elements before (think of the haunted mansion taking cues from the Cthulhu mythos back in Fallout 3), on the whole the series prefers to be silly over scary.